• Acceptance.

    What is Acceptance? Acceptance means recognizing and acknowledging a situation, circumstances, or judgement. It involves embracing reality and making peace with what is, rather than trying to change or control it. Acceptance involves understanding that not everything can be changed and choosing to let go of resistance, resentment, or attachments to outcomes. It is about approaching life with an open mind and heart, allowing for growth, peace and content.

  • Restoration.

    What is restoration? Restoration means to return to an original state after depletion or loss. Restoration refers to the act or process of returning something to its original state, often after damage, decay, or disrepair. it can apply to physical objects, such as artwork or buildings, as well as natural environments or even relationships. The goal of restoration is typically to preserve and revive the original qualities of functionality of something or someone.

  • Empower.

    What is Empower? Empower means to give someone authority, confidence, or ability to do something. It involves providing support, resources, and opportunities for individuals or groups to take control of their lives, make decisions, and achieve their goals. Empowerment often entails fostering a sense of self-worth, autonomy, and independence. It can manifest in various contexts, such as personal development, education, professional growth, and social or political movements.

Why I Am Not My Body?

Women are built to connect…It’s how we learn, it’s how we grow.

When women come together at, I Am Not My Body, we provide a safe space to listen and talk. We get to know each other, not on a superficial level but on a personal level. We meet once a month for 3 hours to break bread to reflect and renew and most importantly, to recharge and to find answers to questions we carried for so long.

Yet today, many of us move so fast, that we neglect or need genuine connection. It’s okay to need things from each other, like encouragement and reassurance that you are not alone it’s important to have a neutral sounding board.

At I Am Not My Body, we find that after a few sessions, most women find having a women’s group as a gift a form of self-love. They find it hopeful to have a place where it is safe to turn to another peer. When life turns your world upside down, you want a group. When facing new questions and new opportunities, you want a sounding board of trusted thinking partners. When you crave stimulating conversation about questions both practical and sacred, you want a good listening environment. In a group, you develop a circle of women who support you and will stand with you.

Joining I Am Not My Body is the beginning of a relationship that builds over time. As the group evolves, there is an unfolding story of personal changes and parallel paths. Our group is a select group of women who meet as peers in a group relationship as a means of learning and personal development. Building connections with others allows for shared experiences, insights and support, fostering growth and understanding.

Our Services

  • All About Love Food Pantry is a community organization that provides food in situations for all eligible individuals and families in need, regardless of their race, color, religion, origin, age, sex or disability. Free-will donations come from the general Silver Spring Community coming this Summer 2024

  • Each year we host a Back-to-School Drive for 60 at risk families heading back for the school year. We give the parents a form requesting sizes, colors & style specifications. The form allows parents to request items such as socks, underwear, undershirts, pants, shirts, sweaters, backpack and sneakers These forms are then assigned a number and we send out a call to the public for their help. Individual families or business then “Adopt” a child for the school year. They receive the sheet with the child’s specifications and do all of the shopping. We then package the items and give them to the families a week to two weeks before school starts. In addition to this we host a school supply drive where individuals or groups can drop off school supplies. We then create a table for families to choose what the child needs for the school year.


    I Am Not My Body prioritizes the whole person and finding the services and resources each client needs to thrive. Knowing the I Am Not My Body cannot fill every need, we collaborate with other organizations to help meet the needs outside of I Am Not My Body’s programming. Clients can request support services and referrals during their visit.

  • Our winter coat drive is by referrals families are provided a form to fill out asking for the size and color preference. The forms are then given a number to maintain anonymity for the child and ask for the public’s assistance. Our goal is to provide every school-age child with a winter coat for the year.


    I Am Not My Body prioritizes serving the whole person and finding the service and resources each client needs to thrive. Knowing that I Am Not My Body cannot fill every need, we collaborate with other organizations to help meet the needs outside of I Am Not My Body’s programming. Clients can request support services and referrals during their visit.

  • Birthday Box is a blessing for our kids who are in the system and for children whose families can barely put food on their table. Our boxes are designed by age, each box is designed to make each child feel it was created just for them. How? With a little help from the family or agency that requests a birthday box. Our boxes are filled with love here are some of the things that are placed in the boxes.

    A handwritten note: A heartfelt note or card to show support and care for the child.

    A birthday hat or crown and a Birthday banner to decorate their space.

    Age-appropriate toys such as puzzles, building blocks, stuffed animals, or action figures based on the child’s age and gender.

    Art supplies: Include coloring books, crayons, markers, or sketchbooks to encourage creativity.

    Snacks: Individually wrapped snacks like granola bars, fruit snacks, or crackers.

    Gift cards from local restaurants, bookstores, or department stores so they can choose something for themselves.

    For our older kids, we create boxes that contain one or more items from the list Journals, Pens, Tumblers, and socks just to name a few.

  • I Am Not My Body food pantry will be assisting clients with personal care items including toiletries, menstrual products, Diapers and wipes, and household goods based on available inventory. Many of the items cannot be purchased with SNAP (food stamps) benefits or secured through food retail partnerships. I Am Not My Body relies on the support of neighbors, collection drive, and area businesses to donate these items to distribute them to clients monthly.